標籤: 字體排印 軟體介紹 Vim 生活雜記 隨想 本日新知 其他 Slackware 音樂 軟體
使用 OBS 與 localvocal 產生即時字幕與翻譯
OBS 中有個神奇的外掛叫 Localvocal,透過在電腦上跑 OpenAI Whisper 產生即時字幕,回放到 OBS 當中。另外還可以用 ChatGPT 將產生的英文字幕即時翻譯成中文,在現場轉播需要翻譯時可以說是救星。在這邊文章中我會帶大家安裝所需的套件,並進行簡易設定。
使用 Windows 中的 Inkscape 開啟 EPS 檔案
要在 Inkscape 中開啟 EPS 檔案不知道為什麼沒有想像中的簡單,我也不曉得為什麼至今 Inkscape 還未把這個流程直接包入安裝檔裡面。但總之安裝的過程如下:(假設您已安裝 Inkscape)
New Font: Pheno Marker
Handwritten with a round-tip marker, vectorized with Inkscape and modified with Fontforge. The font currently only supports ASCII. Diacritics would (hopefully) be added later.
2024 預設軟體
One Year of Inkscape Contributions
It’s that time of the year again, where people post year-end retrospectives and new year resolutions. (Well it had passed but I’m putting this out nonetheless.) Looking through my blog archive, I found out that my last post about Inkscape was posted just over a year ago, so it’s probably time to see how the journey went last year.
Working with multiple upstream branches in Git
This is a quick reference to how I tend to work with different branches upstream, originally posted on my Blogger page. This may only apply to the Inkscape repo on GitLab.
新的英文網誌,與 Blogger 回訪紀錄
在大學中的某堂課會需要用到部落格。一開始老師要我們開的是 WordPress.com 帳號,但開帳號的過程體驗簡直慘烈。在設定的每一步都會試著讓你付費,包括最一開始註冊帳號、選主題、設定名稱、設定網域什麼的,真的是每一步都會把免費與付費選項混合、或是隱藏免費選項到最下面。
今天在逛網路的時候,偶然看到樵志札記的文章,點回首頁一看,最近的更新時間是 2024/06/19;再逛逛看到 Huli’s blog,最後更新是今年的九月二十三日。常常在逛網路時遇到可能好幾年沒見到的部落格,只要看到內容還有在更新,就會覺得心中暖洋洋的,好像有一群夥伴一起默默撐起 Indieweb 的夢想一般。
將 Pandoc 處理的 Markdown 圖片套上 lazy-loading 屬性
在寫上一篇 Haiku Beta R5 試用 的時候,因為圖很多、不想影響載入速度,於是搜尋起了如何讓 Pandoc 在轉換 Markdown 的時候套上 lazy-loading 的屬性。於是找到了這篇 Github Issue:HTML5 feature: lazy loading images,其中 jgm(Pandoc 維護者)提到,只要使用 3 行的 Lua 過濾器就能輕鬆達成這個目的:
Haiku R1 Beta5 簡易評測
在看到 Haiku 釋出 R1 Beta5 的消息後,就迫不及待地把 R1 Beta5 下載下來準備試玩。上次碰 Haiku 已經是在 Beta 2 推出的時候,那時候可以使用的應用程式還很少,在之前的電腦(Acer Aspire?)上可以開機但無法使用觸控板,在 Mac 上則是連開機都無法開機。這次主要想測試在虛擬機跑起來的感覺,以及在實機上能不能使用。
2024 八月更新
2024 七月更新
拯救 Slackware 系統大作戰
(Slackware 的自訂啟動指令稿)加入刪除
Debug Suspend Issues in Certain Macbooks
Since updating to kernel version 5.15 on Slackware, my Macbook Pro (model A1398) takes a long time, or simply wouldn’t wake up from suspend. To try to figure out where the problem lies, I ran Intel’s pm-graph, but the logs didn’t yield anything interesting. At the time I switched the lid close action to hibernate and ignored the problem.
Instander - 沒有廣告的 IG
如果您曾經想過「如果 IG 沒有廣告該有多好」,Instander 非常適合您。它可以去除限時動態、貼文、Reels 之間的廣告,同時附帶介面更改、隱身、下載媒體、提高畫質等功能。
解決 Pipewire 偵測不到裝置的問題
在 Slackware 下因為沒有正式的依賴套件解決方案,有時 SBo(slackbuilds.org)會含有 Slackware 本身就有的套件,但版本不一樣,因此會互相覆蓋。Lua 就是一個例子:SBo 中的 Lua 版本為 5.1.5(可能是維護人沒更新、也可能是有套件依賴這個版本),但 Slackware 本身的為 5.4.6,所以在 SBo 安裝套件時要特別小心不要蓋過原有的套件。
CSS 中 pre 或其他元素導致破版的解方
我已經看過無數個網站因為程式區塊破版,有時候是因為圖片區塊破版。(破版的意思是,在手機上往右滑會把這個網頁推到左邊,而不只是該區塊。)難道是因為在 Chrome 上不會破版嗎?
Today I Learned Metathread
All things I learned that doesn’t count as a post, in reverse chronological order.
Microsoft Windows/Office Setup and Activation on (Slackware) Linux
So first, a disclaimer: The methods I list in this article are solely for educational purposes, and if you need the software legally, buy a license, or use free (or better, FOSS) counterparts.
Ending 2023, A Quick Recap
Hello dear reader, it’s the end of 2023! Which part of the world are you joining in from? Are there year-end holidays there? In Taiwan we only have the new year off, which combined with the weekend accumulates to 3 days of holidays. No matter what, I wish you all the best for the coming year.
Inkscape Translation Contribution, and Other Short Stories
As the title stated, my Traditional Chinese translations are included in Inkscape 1.3.1 and onwards. This is my first serious contribution to an open source project, and I’m pretty glad seeing my work actually applied onto the software. I hope they will make the experience better for Traditional Chinese Inkscape users. But how did I come to use Inkscape in the first place, and how did the translation process go? Here’s some notes…
The thing is, in 2023, I didn’t really have a focus, and as a result, I did a pretty wide range of stuff: I played multiple drum or other instrument gigs, participated in a business competition, did a bit of live PA (and left the PA club in my university due to my poor time management), held multiple titles in different clubs (in the rock n’roll club as a gear manager, and in the Open Design club as a website maintainer), been a graphic design and drum teacher, and did quite a bit of graphic design for events in my department.
Quality of Life Improvements
There are some little things in life that don’t take a lot of time to do, and would improve your quality of life significantly after doing it, but you’ve never quite wrapped your head around to do it for no reason whatsoever.
Basic Chinese Character Sets
(Note: This page contains Traditional Chinese translations of English text.)
ltlnx’s Blog Updater
This is ltlnx’s blog updater: it takes a source directory with Markdown files, a “header” and a “footer”, converts them to HTML, and copies them to the desired destination directory.
A Possible Fix for X11 Programs Refusing to Start on Wayland
As Wayland and KDE on Wayland matures, I’ve switched my entire environment to KDE Wayland. Serious props to KDE developers — all of the Konsole and Kwin gliches I experienced in the early days are long gone.
Languages, Translation, and Blogging
First of all, I definitely should blog more, to push more thoughts into the wild and reiterate on what I’ve read or done. The problem is: which language should I do it in?
2023 六月更新
One Year of Blogging
I just realized that it’s been over one year since I scrapped the old site and started a new one, and rolled my own Bash script to convert and update the files. Maybe it’s time for a retrospective into the website!
Happy Birthday Slackware!
So apparently Slackware turned 30 years old on July 16, 2023. For my
Slackware journey look no further than my Slackware
Impressions post. Just a quick thank-you to Pat and the Slackware
crew for such a stable “leading edge” system
Android 應用程式推薦
截至文章發表之時,Linux 在行動裝置上還是有許多介面瑕疵與硬體支援問題,但隨著市面上推出專門跑 Linux 的行動裝置如 PinePhone Pro 與 Librem 5 ,只要軟體跟進,好用的 Linux 手機不是夢。但在這之前,市面上還是以 Android 跟 iOS 手機為主。而 Android 的生態系又比 iOS 開放一些,因此我比較喜歡用 Android 手機當作主力機。以下是我使用過,推薦或不推薦的 Android 程式。
Follow Twitter Users on Mastodon (or any ActivityPub implementation)
One day on Hacker News I found out the bird.makeup site, which makes bot accounts of Twitter users to make them followable on ActivityPub implementations like Mastodon. If this sentence means nothing to you, let me explain some of the words:
寫給中文使用者的 Slackware 安裝指南
Slackware 是持續更新的發行版中,最早出現的發行版,以穩定、保守、「最接近 UNIX」聞名。適合使用 Slackware 的有下列這幾種人:
我在重寫網站 CSS 時發現的各種事
最近我重新寫過了整個網站的 CSS,讓網站煥然一新。我一直以來很欣賞像是 Slackware 首頁 或是一些 GNU 說明文件網頁的風格,因此這次重寫就是以這幾個網頁為參考標準。
Week 10 (2023-02-27 – 03-05)
這週是極為痛苦的一週。週三我收到來自歐夜召部(趙j)的訊息,表示似乎許多人對於海報的反應不是很好,會覺得很像春聯、沒有懸疑感,並問我要不要重做。當然,在這個階段重做已經不是取決於我,而是取決於各個 deadline 的完成時間實不實際。如果我花了一個禮拜修海報,那麼貼紙就達不到截止時間(因為要加上改圖、送印的時間)。召部和我們討論之後決定開投票,而最高票是不修改,直接繼續。
Week 9 (2023-02-20 – 2023-02-26)
Week 8 (2023-02-13 – 2023-02-19)
ltlnx’s Personal Task Manager
I wrote this for my convenience to manage tasks and show them on the desktop (with the Text Viewer Widget KDE applet). It can:
最近在 Mastodon 上,qbane 發了把小麥注音移植到 ibus 上的進度(HackMD 筆記連結),才發現原來小麥注音早在幾年前就有 fcitx 版,因此我趕緊寫了個 SlackBuild 裝來試用。用一用發現,小麥注音的選字比新酷音直覺好多,在打長文的時候幾乎不用選字;打標點符號的規則也跟新注音/酷音相差不遠,很快就用上手了。
KDE Plasma Applet: Text Viewer Widget
table, td, tr {border: none} @media(max-width: 600px) { td {display: block} }
Videos Where I Play Drums
I mainly play the drums. These are links to videos where I play drums.
使用 CSS 與一點魔法,在 HTML 中英文交界加入空格
最近開始寫中文的Public Logs,寫一寫總會去預覽一下排起來的樣子。但寫最近一篇Week 39的時候,卻越看越不對勁:為什麼中文字跟英文字之間,一點空格都沒有?身為對字體排版還算有點要求的人,這種狀況實在是令人不爽。因此我開始尋找將中英稍微隔開來的方法。
Substitution Only in Capture Groups in Perl
The title may not explain it well, so here’s an example. A regular perl substitution probably looks like this:
GDSC Select-Course System Usability Exploration
This small article is written after a bit of poking around a supposed replacement for the Course Selection System of NCCU, the current university I’m in. The old system is a mixed bag of old IIS/ASP with a separate(!) course exploration system based on Javascript. Moreover, they have two completely different UIs and conventions, and needless to say, the whole experience is pretty confusing for freshmen like me last year.
Week 39 (2022-09-25 – 2022-10-01)
(English readers: most parts of my public log will be in Chinese. Sorry about that.)
Week 36 (2022-09-04 – 2022-09-10)
(English readers: most parts of my public log will be in Chinese. Sorry about that.)
Week 35 (2022-08-28 – 2022-09-03)
(English readers: most parts of my public log will be in Chinese. Sorry about that.)
Make Slackbuilds Work Well With Github
While writing a Slackbuild, I encountered a problem where I’m not sure how to work with Github Release tags. The problem goes as follows:
Mobile App Suggestions
Occasionally (usually?) I encounter pain points in life, where I hope there’s a mobile app that could help ease. They are documented here.
Disclosure on the Influence of Opinions
Recently I came across Damien’s Blog because of a font he created — Envy Code R. The font itself is a good mixture of old and new, with Terminus-style boldfaces (which I like a lot and feel like too little monospaced fonts does this), and a generally pretty clean appearance. Sadly the font was still in beta, and has not seen progress since 2008. As the comments on the page stated, it would be appreciated if new versions can better distinguish between similar characters (0/O, I/l/1/|). But I digress.
New Blog Architecture, a Roadmap
I have been writing blogs on Github Pages (now Codeberg Pages) since 2019, and I had always needed to add the sources and links myself, sometimes even hand-craft the HTML. For the new blog, I wish to blog completely in Markdown, and have an easy structure for conversion and the ability to automatically create the “Posts” page.