ltlnx’s Blog Updater

This is ltlnx’s blog updater: it takes a source directory with Markdown files, a “header” and a “footer”, converts them to HTML, and copies them to the desired destination directory.

A fully-fledged demo that uses this generator can be found at (That’s the site you’re looking at!)

GitHub repo link Script direct download


There may be something missing here but in general, a Linux system with pandoc installed would probably work. (If not, please create an issue.)

Setup (on Linux)

  1. Open a terminal and clone this repo.
  2. Go into the cloned directory: cd ltlnx-blog-updater
  3. Make sure the script is executable: chmod u+x
  4. Initialization: ./ init. At this point a minimal blog example would be created.
  5. Edit details in the .updaterc file as necessary.
  6. Run the script again.
  7. Copy the generated files to your web server directory, or if you have python3 installed, run ./ serve and go to with your preferred web browser.

Editing the config file

The config file, .updaterc, contains all parameters the script needs. The comments in the file should be self-explanatory, but here are some tips:

Writing blog posts and tag descriptions

Both blog posts and tag descriptions should be Markdown files in the source directory (src by default). Blog posts have the suffix .md, and descriptions have the suffix .desc. Say if you want to add a new tag named “tech”:

After running, you should ba able to go to dst/tags/tech.html to make sure that it’s applied, and has a link to the blog post.

The header and footer files in the root directory is the HTML that would be added to the top and bottom of pages on the website, making the HTML complete. The header file should end with a opening tag (like <div id="main">), and the footer file should start with a closing tag with the same type as the opening tag (like </div>). The example header and footer files are minimal examples of what they look like.


To specify the date of a post, you can do one of the following:

Both would work equally fine. Just make sure that you don’t specify two dates for the same post, or the updater script would pick the first one.

Sticky posts

If the post is in the src/sticky folder, it wouldn’t show up in the archive.html page but still show up in the tag pages. Useful for the homepage (src/sticky/, about page (src/sticky/ and the like.


To “theme” your site, add a CSS file, preferably named style.css, in the source directory. A minimal example is included after you run ./ init. You can inspect the generated HTML (with Firefox’s inspector, a text editor or whatever) and determine which target to write styles for.

Don’t forget to add a <link> attribute to the header file, which looks like such:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css">

RSS (Atom) and a sitemap

This script also generates an RSS feed named “atom.xml” in the destination directory. You can decide what to do with it. When deploying with the script, a “sitemap.xml” will be generated, or you can generate it manually by running ./ gensitemap.

Contributing / Bug reports

This script currently doesn’t accept pull requests, but you’re welcome to report bugs in Github Issues or directly to ltlnx dot tw at gmail dot com. Thanks for discovering and using my script!

– ltlnx 2023-11-27
