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HTML 與網際網路標準

The HTML Standard
官方的 HTML 規格表。 The official specsheet of HTML. For creating HTML rendering tools or better semantic HTML. Do note that this is a “Living Standard”, which means that it may be changed any time. (Not a fan of this but well…)

Introduction to Atom
The format I currently use for syndication. I feel like there’s no advantage for me to choose it over RSS 2.0, but it’s a fine format nonetheless that tries to present more info to feed readers.

W3 Requirements for Chinese Text Layout
A good reference for typesetting Chinese text on the Web and other places. Includes basics on typefaces, page design, writing modes, line composition (where to break lines), punctuation marks, etc. Though not all of the requirements have been regulated in the HTML spec, it gives us a high-level understanding of how Chinese text should look like on the Web.

W3 Requirements for Japanese Text Layout
A similar document to the above, but for Japanese text. Japanese shares a lot of characteristics with Chinese, therefore this also serves as a resource for typesetting Chinese. Plus, this is commisioned far earlier than the Chinese version and is therefore more stable and has more implemented standards.


Website Testing

SSL Server Test
Tests which cipher suites a web server has.

Test various metrics of websites, like load speed, contentful paints, etc., and offers waterfall views of loads. Useful to test websites in various locations and settings. A few months ago I wouldn’t recommend it, but I’ve tried it again and it seems okay.

Another webpage test site I encountered a while ago. It has almost identical offerings with WebPageTest, but starting from 2023-12-01 it would require a login to do basic tests. I’m not blaming them as it’s a quick way to defer spam and fraud, but I don’t thing not allowing guest tests would do them good in the long run. We’ll see.


Linux and System Management

DistroWatch is a website dedicated to Linux, BSD and OpenSolaris distributions, featuring distro introduction pages, bundled software version overviews, comments on distros, distro popularity rankings, and more. On the homepage, they also have distro update briefings and one of my favorite reads on the web, DistroWatch Weekly. If you’re a Linux enthusiast and distro-hopper like me, you would probably love this site.

鳥哥的Linux私房菜 (zh-TW)
An inclusive resource for learning Linux and system administration in general. Covers mostly RHEL-based OSes (RHEL, CentOS, Rocky/Alma) and discusses a broad range of Linux-related topics in detail. Definitely a great place to go if you speak/read Chinese and are interested in sharpening your Linux skills.

PTT 看板 Linux (zh-TW)
Discussion on Linux in general, in Traditional Chinese. Requires a PTT account.



Since I use Slackware on a daily basis, I’ve also accumulated a number of Slackware-relevant links. They are available on a separate page under the Slackware category. Please follow this link to the page.


Bash and Shell Scripting in General

Alien’s Bash Tutorial
An exceptionally good tutorial on UNIX/Linux structure, common commands, bash and bash scripting.

Handy one-liners for SED
More that often we need to mangle with text, and one of the more powerful tools to do that is sed. This page contains some useful knowledge when approaching it, as well as a large number of one-liners ready to apply into your scripts.


News and Aggregation Sites

Hacker News
A news aggregation site based on user submissions, with an upvote system to ensure quality. There is a comments page for every submission, and in the comments, often there are high-quality discussions from people who know the subject well. As the name suggests, submissions usually surround tech, engineering and things that interest these kinds of people.

The Register
A technology news site from the UK. Reports on systems administration, Linux distributions, tech regulation changes, software, coding tools and languages, etc. What I like a lot is their tech columns, which features sysadmins who fucked up databases, cringey management or bosses, tech support woes, and the like — and besides being entertaining, it gives us a glimpse into the real-life tech world.


Audio Production

Recording Hacks
A site about microphones, speakers and ways to use them. The site looks like a 2008-esque Wordpress site, which is an immediate indication of quality.

A forum site discussing about effect pedals for guitars and bass guitars.

A forum for — you guessed it — musicians and producers on Linux.

Linuxaudio.org Resources
A site (and related sites) dedicated to Linux audio production. They also maintain the Libre Music Production static archives.


Fonts and Typeface Designs

A collection of free and paid Chinese fonts. Probably contains the world’s largest Chinese free font database.

Font Library
Another collection of fonts with various licenses. Again, the 2008-esque web design is a sign of quality.

Google Fonts
I hate to link to anything Google, but Google Fonts is a good source of free fonts that permits commercial use. Just make sure you always download the fonts, and not link to them directly, or you may be violating the GDPR.

Typewolf Typography Resources
A page containing links to some other type resources.

Justfont Blog
The blog of Taiwanese font foundry Justfont. Though their recent posts are mostly self-promotion, their old posts contains some valuable insights on CHinese typeface design.


That’s all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


